Weare actually looking for taiwanese actors and actress». The shooting inTaipei will start the 20th of october until the 05th of november.
Profile of actors and actress :
- A young girl (20yo to 30yo) : pretty, mysterious, intense glance. English speaking (average level) / Duration of the shooting : 4 or 5 days.
- A young man (25yo to 35yo) : smart and elegant man. English speaking (good level) or French speaking. Duration of the shooting : 3 days.
- A middle-age man (55 to 65) : Charismatic. English speaking (average level). Duration of the shooting : 2 days.
- A middle-age woman (45 to 55) : English not compulsory. Duration of the shooting : 2 days.
- Men and woomen (20 to 50) : for the small parts. Duration of the shooting : 1 day.
Requirement : to have at least a small experience about acting (except for the small parts), to accept to work with us without payment (as volunteers). We will look at every proposition, meet people when we will arrive in Taipei on october 18, and decide very quick.
If you are interested please mail cv and photos : franck@oneoone-lefilm.com
看清楚了嗎?是法國電影《死了一個守門員之後》(Un jour d'été)新銳導演法蘭克蓋因要來101取景徵演員(他現在已經抵達台北了)耶!話說這部《死了一個守門員之後》曾入圍2006年台北電影節青年導演競賽,當時他也隨片登台,可惜最後敗給了我非常不喜歡的《三人冷水澡》。
所以,法蘭克蓋因是因為兩年前來台看見101而心有所感,今年拍新片才想到來台取景嗎?根據官網描述,這部《One O One》(片名乾脆直接告訴大家本片主角其實是101大樓?)故事分成兩段,前段是關於法國南部某村莊裡一樁神秘事件,後半部則是在台北101的巨大陰影下所展開的一段漫遊。法蘭克蓋因在講到這部關於「消失與尋愛」的新作時,引用了大師安東尼奧尼的一段話「我的電影是關於一種帶著「精確度」的nothing」。嘻嘻,總覺得「nothing」這個字放在這邊非常別具深意,複雜到不曉得要怎麼翻成中文。總之,這讓我對這部新片更加好奇啦,尤其是看到下面這幾張劇照後(取自《One O One》官網),發現第一張與《死了一個守門員之後》的fu超像的!